

What is the length, in words, for an entry?
2000-8000 words.
However, to qualify for automatic publication in RiLL, the maximum length is 5000 words. The highest-placed entry less that 5000 words will be published in RiLL.

What is the limit on the number of entries?
There is no limit, but each entry will incur an additional entry fee. Download the rules to see the latest fees.

Must my story have a South African flavour?
When we were privileged to receive a large number of entries, we had two sections: General and South African. Strict rules applied to qualify a story as truly South African. In a nutshell, if the story suffered no loss by replacing Cape Town with London, and Koos with John, then it did not qualify as South African.
However, there is only one section currently.
This means that a South African slant is not necessary. Having said that, we are a South African Science Fiction and Fantasy club. We therefore prefer stores with a local flavour. As it has zero influence on the judges, do not feel obliged to do this; it will not affect your chance of winning.

Can I write in Afrikaans/Zulu/Klingon...?
Only English prose is accepted.

May I enter the competition even though I am not a member?
There is NO restriction on authors. Members or non-members, South Africans or aliens (terrestrial or extraterrestrial), professionals or amateurs, winners or losers... everyone is welcome.

May I enter the competition even though I am not South African?
There is NO restriction on authors. Members or non-members, South Africans or aliens (terrestrial or extraterrestrial), professionals or amateurs, winners or losers... everyone is welcome.

If I won a prize in a previous competition, can I enter again?
There is NO restriction on authors. Winning Nova - or any other competition - previously does not disqualify you.

My entry didn't win last year. I have improved it. Can I submit it again?
If the story has never been published, and never won a prize, then it may be resubmitted (even if it hasn't been changed). However, historically, no resubmitted story has ever won a prize. Statistically speaking, resubmission might not be a good idea.

I can't find details for Nova on your website. Are you running it this year?
Nova opens for entries from 1 April each year, and closes on 30 September. The results are announced at the SFFSA AGM held in January the following year. Competition rules are normally removed from the website after the closing date. Updated rules are added to the website when the new competition opens.

I am attempting to download your rules and guidelines, however I cannot read the docx file or open the pdf.
Rules and entry forms can be downloaded from Some browsers respond unsatisfactorily when clicking on the download link. Try using a right-click, and select "Save link/target as..". If that fails, request email attachments from

I am a journalist. Does that classify me as a professional or amateur writer?
The professional/amateur tick boxes are for interest and statistical purposes only. Nevertheless, the "professional" category is intended to be ticked by authors who earn a living from publishing novels, etc. Journalists who are also authors with at least one published novel  would be "professional"; journalists who report on news would be "amateur". Academics have to publish to survive, and would still be "amateurs" unless they also published novels. You get the idea.

I want to publish my novel. Can you help?
Unfortunately, we are not publishers per se.

I need someone to proofread my novel. Can you help?
Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee any turnaround time. Feel free to submit your novels, but don't be surprised if your published novel goes out of print before you get feedback from us.

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